Oregon-approved Oral Health Curriculum
This oral health curriculum is designed to help Oregon school districts fulfill requirements of HB2969, which passed the Oregon Legislature and was signed into law in 2021. This curriculum is designed to meet all statutory requirements and is linked from the Oregon Department of Education’s online curriculum library.
This initiative was developed by The Healthy Teeth Bright Futures Coalition, which is comprised of representatives from philanthropic organizations, health plans, the education sector, health equity and social justice groups and health care providers who advocate for and advance children’s oral health in Oregon. The Coalition is the connective tissue across a variety of perspectives and people who care about children’s oral health and improving access to oral health care.
This initiative was prompted by both data and front-line experiences demonstrating that oral health problems disproportionately affect low-income and minority children. About a quarter of all children seen by in-school dental screening and sealant programs require follow up dental work, and nearly 10 percent of these children urgently need care within 24-48 hours. According to a December 2019 Data Brief by OHSU’s Center for Health Systems Effectiveness, among Medicaid-enrolled children, Black children had the highest rate of hospital Emergency Department visits for avoidable dental problems. In addition, peer-reviewed studies show that non-traumatic dental problems are the second-most common Emergency Department discharge diagnosis among young adults (ages 20-39). Children from more financially well-off households are not immune to these problems.
We not only believe, but also know from Coalition members’ own experiences collaborating with schools, that oral health education makes a difference in children’s health and consequently their ability to learn.
We highly recommend that schools collaborate with the state’s Health Authority-certified in-school dental screening and sealant programs, if they are not already doing so, as resources to assist teachers with practical, background information and delivery of sealant and screening services.
Spanish Curriculum
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
High School
English Curriculum
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
High School
Dental Health Resources
Community Listening Report
Over 40 families who speak English and Spanish joined us in 2020 to talk about their successes, challenges and barriers in getting dental health care. Download our report to read our findings.
Smile Report Summary
For more information about children’s dental health in Oregon, download the 2017 Smile Report Summary.
House Bill 4127
Stay up to date with the progress of House Bill 4127 as it moves through the legislative process.
Fact Sheet
Learn how House Bill 4127 will help children’s dental health in Oregon.
Endorsement Forms
Join others in Oregon. Make kids dental health a priority. Fill out an endorsement form.
OCF Evaluation Report
Get an in-depth look at the 15 school-based dental health programs funded through the Oregon Children’s Dental Health Initiative. Learn how they improve children’s dental health in Oregon.
OHSU Issue Brief
To learn about dental care for Oregon children covered by Medicaid, download the Dental Care for Oregon’s Medicaid-Enrolled Children in 2018 report.
Download the Dental Care for Oregon's Medicaid-Enrolled Children in 2018 Report
Letter to Oregon's Leaders
Members of the Pediatric Oral Health Coalition are sharing concerns that the oral health budget cuts our state leaders are proposing will negatively impact our children's long-term health and well-being.